Page 10 - January 2014 Catalyst
P. 10

By Gladys Grimaud | Continued from pg 9
read to the end (Revelation.) My sisters laughed at me and told me that I should read nursery rhymes to you, but I ignored them and continued to read the Bible. Do you think that made a di erence in the way you “turned out?”
I was astounded as I heard those words.  e mystery years of wondering, “where does this craving for God
come from,” was instant-
ly satis ed.
“Mother!” I squealed with delight. “It made all the di erence in the world!”
 at day I understood
the power of the word of powerful as to
impact even a baby who
cannot walk or talk or re-
tain a memory of it (as an
adult, I have no recollec-
tion of that happening)!
What a blessing God gave me with a Moth- er who helped me start life well even though she was not privileged to have received the same start. Mother knew about Headstart before the government ever thought it up, and she gave me the most precious gift she could have ever given in time or eternity... an introduction to the Living Word of God! Mother has kept the appointment that ev- ery individual will keep. “And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judg- ment.” (Hebrews 9: 27) Finishing well mat- ters to me, but helping others  nish well also matters to me.
It matters to me that many individuals cannot  nish well because they are abort- ed before they even begin. January is the
Sanctity of Life Month, and the follow- ing is a statement by Dr. Tony Evans who preached a three-day crusade at Williams- Brice Stadium in Columbia, SC, May 18- 20, 1997. I agree with this statement given May 2013 and read on his behalf at a con- gressional hearing regarding the sanctity of life. Dr.Tony Evans is the Senior Pastor of Oak Cli  Bible Fellowship and President of  e Urban Alternative.  is statement came at a time when our nation’s moral conscience got awakened in light of the Philadelphia abortion-doctor and baby-
killer tragedy. God has given Dr. Evans the posi- tion and platform of the ministry of the TUA and has blessed him with the opportunity to be a voice for those who do not have a voice themselves.
“It is with a great deal of conviction and concern that I join the choruses of voices who are decrying the pan- demic of abortion that is en- gul ng our nation, at times unregulated and resulting in the loss of life of not only the
unborn, but also on occasion the mother or the newly born. As an evangelical conservative African-American pastor shepherding almost 10,000 members, I am deeply disturbed about what is taking place in today’s atrocity of the unethical, ungodly and imposed destruction of the unborn. As we have seen, abortion opens the door for forms of infanticide.
Not only does life matter from womb to tomb as a clear theological and biblical ten- ant, it also matters as a necessary condition for the preservation and replication of a people group.  e African-American com- munity, like other ethnicities, can ill a ord the ongoing loss and mutilation of life that
january 2014

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