Page 42 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 42

And Moshe said to the people, Fear not, stand still, and see the yahshua (salvation) of Yahveh, which He will show to you to- day: for the Mitzrim (Egyptians) whom you have seen today, you shall see them again no more le-olam-va-ed (forever). Yahveh shall  ght for you, and you shall stay still. Shemot (Exodus) 14:13-14.
You shall not need to  ght in this battle: po- sition yourselves, and stand still, and see the Yahshua (Salvation) of Yahveh with you, O Yahudah ( Judah) and Yahrushalayim ( Jeru- salem): fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for Yahveh will be with you. Divre Hayamim Bet (Second Chroni- cles) 20:17-18.
 e men ages 20 and up were counted as soldiers.  e number 20 is represented by the Hebrew character Kaph. Kaph
means, “productivity,
fruitfulness, reproduc- tion, o spring, teach- ings, doctrines, and coverings.” Are you reproducing fruit after Yahveh? Does your offspring resemble Yahveh? Are you teaching His doc- trine? Can Yahveh count on you?
 at’s the test of a true solider. If you don’t look like Yahveh, act like Yahveh, and talk like Yahveh, then you are not His child. If you are trained by Yahveh to be in His army, then you will be like Yahveh. If you are not reproducing after Yahveh, then you don’t be- long in His army.
In battle, you are devoted to your military leader, to your country. Who is your leader? Where do you belong? My citizenship is not to earth because I belong to the house of Abba (Father) Yahveh. You can only have
one master. You are either for Yahveh or against Yahveh.  ere is no in between.
After counting the soliders, Yahveh directed Moses and Aharon to take a separate census of the sons of Levi between the ages of 30 and 50, because those were the ones called to perform speci c tasks for the Sanctuary.
 e number 30 is represented by the Hebrew character Lamed, which is the law of correc- tion. It’s chastisement, which is what we de- serve because we are were sinners.  e num- ber 50 is represented by the Hebrew character Nun, which is the balance of justice and mercy. It’s the reason we don’t get the punishment we deserve. We deserve death because the wages of sin is death, but, Yahveh lasses the punish- ment with mercy and gave us a chance at life through Yahshua... if we take it.
 e choice to accept a life of salvation is ours. Yahveh is a Gentleman and He doesn’t make you do anything you don’t want to. Yahveh wants us to love Him because we want to, not because we have to.  at’s the de ni- tion of real love.
It is important to be counted.  ere is a re- cord of who you are.  at’s the point of the count. Yahveh knows your name. He knows who you are.
For I know the thoughts that I think to- ward you, says Yahveh, thoughts of shalom (peace), and not of evil, to give you tov (good) tikvah (hope) in the end.” Yirmeya- hu ( Jeremiah) 29:11.
Are you counted in the number? Are you glad to be in the number?
 ese Articles use some Hebrew terms in an e ort to convey the truest meaning of words. Rather than use the term God or Lord when referring to the Master and Maker of the universe, out of reverence to Him, the author has chosen to use Yahveh, the proper Name of our Creator as He gave to Mosheh (Moses).  e same is true when rendering the Hebrew Name of our Savior.  e author uses the Hebrew Name Yahshua, which was given by the angel rather than the Greek/Latin name Jesus.  e usage of Hebrew terminology is not intended to o end the reader, but rather to re ect the knowledge of emet (truth) given to the author.
july 2014

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