Page 34 - April2015-Catalyst
P. 34

faMous final WorshiP By daniel henderson | Continued From Page 29
Take time today to ask the Lord to work pow- erfully in your life by His Gospel and through thetreasuresofHisword. Confessanything that hinders the work of His truth and invite Him to cause His word to flourish in you so it might bear fruit through you, especially dur- ing difficult times.
for the sake of others
In his final days, God gave Paul grace to look beyond his own pain and misery to focus his energies on the needs of others, especially those who had not heard the Gospel message. Paul writes, “and that all the Gentiles might hear.” Untilhisdyingbreath,Paul’sheartwas driven to share Christ with others, which kept his heart focused on a Christward direction and experiencing the positive benefit of a self- less life.
Today, even in the midst of our problems, we must remember those who are lost and living withoutourChrist. Theirneedsandmiser- iesaresomuchgreaterthanours. Wealways have a noble task and a reason to live as we fo- cus on the Gospel.
our resCuer
In these final expressions ofworship, Paul looked backward and forward in worship of HisSaviorwhowasthegreatDeliverer. He wrote, “And I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every
evildeed.” HisLordhadpowerfullyrescued him from the attacks ofSatan, persecutors, and accusers. Paul knew Christ was able to still deliver him from EVERY evil deed.
Regardless of your present problems, take a moment to worship the Lord because “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”(1John4:4). ThankHimforspecific deliveranceinthepast. PraiseHiminadvance for how He will deliver you today and in the days to come.
hoMeWard Bound
While the Christian life is not always easy, Paul praised the Lord because it is always worthit. Ourdestinyisfixedandourreward issure. PaulwritesthattheLord“willbring mesafelytoHisheavenlykingdom.” Weare indestructible until we have f inished the work towhichGodhascalledus. Whenourwork is finished, we will be graciously beckoned home to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Think of what it will be like when you are de- liveredsafelytoHisheavenlykingdom. Praise him for the joyful worship, the faithful reward, the eternal reunions, and the joy of His pres- ence – FOREVER!
all for his glory
Paul’s f inal praise ref lects the ultimate purpose
April 2015

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