Page 6 - April2015-Catalyst
P. 6

Joe Grimaud
- P A R TI
would like to state
that Christians often have more fun than anyone. They also de- velop life long friend- ships that will extend into eternity.
In last month’s issue I told you about meeting Rev Bob Grey and going on a fishing trip far north into Quebec, Canada. We enjoyed it so much that we de- cidedtomakeanothertripthenextyear. But this time the Lake Amphibian Airplane was readytogo. Itwouldjustbeme,myyoungest
son, Keith, and Reverend Bob this trip.
Thetripwasjustasinteresting. Approaching Akron, Ohio, the plane lost its alternator, and we had to land at Akron - radio out - with a fewhoursdelaywhilewegotitreplaced. We met up with Bob at Erie, Pennsylvania, on the southern shore of Lake Erie and cleared cus- toms. Our next stop was to Muskoka, Ontario, where I was surprised to see an airport full of otherLakeAmphibians. Ididn’tknowthere were that many of these unique airplanes in the world. After clearing Canadian customs we headed on to Val d’Orr to refuel and then on to the fish camp. In getting to the fish camp we put down in a large nearby lake and headed up
Gladys Grimaud
Sanaa, Victoria, Palesa, Kayana and Jasmine. Six teenage girls and one pre-teen have in- dividually and delib- erately made a choice.
While the world is witnessing the disintegration of family from the Christian worldview, these seven beautiful young ladies have chosen to believe that there isaplacetheycanputtheirtrust. Theyhave chosen to believe that Jesus is the Key to ev- erything and that through a relationship with Him, He will unlock the doors to a better way of life than what they are viewing in the world aroundthemonadailybasis. Theyarelearn- ing that reading the words off the pages of the Holy Bible is the same as hearing Christ’s words speaking to them individually. They are becoming the catalyst connecting Christ to teens in the culture for community change. They are prayer warriors. They are culture warriors. Theyareworldchangers;changing the world...not through protests, but through changed hearts and clean lives. The meth- odology: AskingJesustochangemyheartso that He changes the world from the inside out throughme! Theyarestrongandcourageous.
Continued on pg 9
Continued on pg 24
heir names are:
Kenyata, Nadya,
April 2015

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