Page 6 - Decenber 2015 Catalyst
P. 6

Joe Grimaud
Has God ever spoken to you? If so what did you hear? How did He speak? If He did speak to you, did you hear an audible voice?
I cannot tell you how many times I have asked for God’s guid- ance, but have not heard nor sensed any- thing I felt was a definite answer from God.
So more times than not, I have reacted by utilizing what I call the closed-door theory. I evaluate the position in question and do my best to determine what seems to be the best route to take. Then I talk to God. “Dear Lord, you have given me this brain to work with. It has unquestionably failed me at times and allowed me to make some bad decisions. But, Lord, I haven’t sensed a direct word or confirmation from you as to the direction I am about to take. So, God, I believe this is the path I should take. If I am mistaken, please close the door and not let me through it, otherwise I am going to do my best to get through.”
Now sometimes I get through the door and sometimes I do not. Either way, it
Continued on pg 24
Gladys Grimaud
Iwill never forget the day that Jenny approached me at church with those sparkling eyes full of joy, dimples that punctuated a beauti- ful smile, and a voice so full of enthusiasm
that it made the birds sing. At that time, Jenny was a new Christian living within walking distance of the church and I was the Evangelism Director totally unpre- pared for the dialogue that would follow. I could tell by the sound of her voice and the look on her face that she was dead serious.
“Gladys, there is something I want to ask you.”
“Sure, Jenny. What is on your mind?”
“Well, today two women came to my door and wanted to come in and study the Bible with me. I was familiar with the organization they represented and I knew full well that studying with them was not for me. But, they continued down the street knocking on my neighbor’s doors and I want to know something. Why can’t we do that?”
Continued on pg 9
december 2015

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