Page 5 - January15-Catalyst
P. 5

Joe Grimaud
Ifind myself being more and more con- cerned about our soci- ety and country. I see our values being erod- ed, our beliefs as Chris- tians no longer being
respected, and more
importantly the things that are happening in our neighborhoods, our churches, and even in our families. As a matter of fact, I believe it is in our families where the problem originates and where it is going to be
solved, if it is solved.
Today in my church Dr. David Nixon, a guest preacher and my son’s father-in-law, gave a great message on prayer. His text was from Joshua 6:20. You all know the sto- ry. Joshua and his small band of Israelites and priests had followed God’s command and marched around the city of Jericho. Six days they marched and on the seventh day they marched around the city seven times. And then:
Verse 20, “So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a
Gladys Grimaud
Christmas Eve 1965, Omaha, Nebraska. Our two sons, David (5) and Greg (4) were tucked
in their beds fast asleep waiting for Santa Claus to magi- cally appear and leave
the training bikes they were longing for. As for Santa Claus...he had patiently waited until these excited little ones had fallen asleep so that he could go about his business of assembling toys.
Santa tiptoed through the hall quietly and
carefully cracked the bedroom door open
where his pride and joy slept. I whispered
softly, “Are they asleep?” Santa nodded his
head and tiptoed back down the hall to the
master bedroom where the stash of toys had
been well hidden for weeks in the corner of
our closet. In hushed voices, we giddily dis-
cussed each toy as they were being pulled
out of the boxes needing assembly. Soon,
screws, nuts, and bolts were strewn all over
the bedroom carpet while I carefully kept
watch at the door to make sure that two lit-
tle elves had not crept down the hall. Santa’s
busy hands went to work flying with preci-
great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so
sion over the machines that were emerg-
Continued on pg 24
Continued on pg 9
February 2015 5

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