Page 12 - 2018 Annual Report | Catalyst Magazine
P. 12

In the 2017 the University initiated 5 new colleges providing sources of study to impact the world through Je- sus Christ: The College of Cross Style Theology formed the cornerstone of the curriculum. Stephen Manley was appointed Bishop and Dean of the Cross Style College.The College of Nonpro t Leadership and Development was established. Nonpro t organizations, Non Govern- ment Organizations, and foundations ofter pursue the work of compassion- ate ministry but not with Jesus as its focus or primary mission. We want to prepare our students to be compas- sionate minded but never lose focus of the impetus of the love of Christ and His mission of reconciling lost souls to the Father. Rev. James P. LaRose will serve as Dean of this endeavor.Greg Gunn is noted for his work with the family worldwide. He has consent- ed to serve as our dean as we develop the College of Human Developmentand Family Studies. With the cultur- al assault on family and the need for Bible clarity for ministers Gunn o ers the baseline declaration needed for Cross Style families.The College of Peace and Con ict Studies and the College of Commu- nity Health and Intervention were es- tablished to begin the great work of instilling Christ in third world countries where tribal and civil con ict along with health issues and disease create havoc in the lives of their citizens.In 2017, we completed the multipur- pose center and started work on the Classroom block and dormitory on the prototype campus of the Ecumen- ical University in Magamaga, Uganda. In Masindi, we completed the Multi- purpose building on the second Ecu- menical University Campus.In 2017, we had 180 students to grad- uate with certi cates or diplomas in East Africa.12 CITYLIGHT | CROSS STYLE | ECUMENICAL CHURCH & UNIVERSITYECUMENICAL UNIVERSITY

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