Page 24 - 2018 Annual Report | Catalyst Magazine
P. 24

of God’s Word and our personal rela- tionship with Christ an attitude which is the basis of the Kingdom of God. It is the attitude of the cross. Christ did not live His own life but surrendered His life to the Father. This surrender was so complete it could be called “death.” Thus the death of Christ on the cross was a physical display of the style of His life. Jesus did not operate on His own or out of His own resource but lived in the continual  ow of what the Father would do through Him.In other words, the cross was more than an event one day in the life of Je- sus; it was and is His continual lifestyle.This style was manifested in His con- stant response to the will and leading of the indwelling presence of the Fa- ther, through the Spirit. Jesus did not operate out of His own resource but lived in the continual  ow of what the Father would do and say through Him (see John 5:19, 30).This lifestyle of the Cross—the “cross style”—is still the lifestyle of Jesus, which He now desires to reproduce as He comes to indwell us through His Spirit. As Jesus lived in this world, so we live in constant response to His will and leading in us—not operating out of our own resources—but in the continual  ow of what He would do through us for a time such as this.If we produce a Christianity which is a product of our own discipline and action, we have not produced Chris- tianity but a religion. Through the in- dwelling of the Spirit of Christ, He will live His life through us.The wonder of Christianity is the out- side God who has come to be inside our personal lives. He is sourcing us which enables us to live far beyondour own ability. This intimate relation- ship with the indwelling Christ is the heart of Cross Style.CROSS STYLE IS MESSAGE-DRIVENThe facilitation of this message takes place through a variety of means, in- cluding:Preaching and teaching from our fac- ulty, pastors, and itinerant evangelistsCross Style Church in Lebanon, Ten- nessee – which is our base for ministry for students within the School of Prac- tical MinistryInternational Training Centers – we are dedicated to the reproduction of the Biblical message around the world for informal pastoral training and educationSchool of Practical Ministry – a Jesus and Biblically focused school that fa- cilitates growth, learning, transforma- tion, and ministry. While academic ed- ucation is important, the Cross Style School of Practical Ministry moves beyond academics to emphasize inti- macy with Jesus, sourcing of the Spir- it, saturation within the Word of God, the radical transformation of one’s life lived in response to Jesus, and the practical out ow of ministry on a day- to-day basis.Online classes and resources, in conjunc- tion with the School of Practical Ministry, to facilitate growth, transformation, and intimacy with Jesus for those who can- not attend the school in person.Resources and materials, including books, CD’s, DVD’s, and video cours- es/curriculum for training in satura- tion Bible study, theology, and the Cross Style message.24 CITYLIGHT | CROSS STYLE | ECUMENICAL CHURCH & UNIVERSITYCROSS STYLE

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