CityLight's Vision
Our vision is for the people of God, every man, woman and child, in this nation and around the world to fall on their knees and answer the call of II Chronicles 7:14. We shall humble ourselves, Pray, seek the face of God and turn from our wicked ways.
As a Catalyst Connecting Christ to the Culture for Community Change we are call to live The Two Great Commandments and carry out The Great Commission.
Our purpose is to envision, network, train and mobilize leaders within the body of Christ to strategically form prayer groups of a leader and 12 members to pray together for one hour at least once a month.
- Prayer Groups in the home It is our vision that every home will have prayer for family and friends. The home should be the first place of worship.
- Prayer Groups at church It is our desire that every church would organize prayer groups to encourage and inspire members seek the face of God and spend time in his Presence.
- Prayer Groups in the workplace Christians can use their lunch hour or their breaks to strengthen their relationship with God and their coworkers.
- Prayer Groups at schools Students can change the focus of their campuses by putting God first. Prayer groups do not need to be an official a part of school but prayer needs to consume the lives of the students. Students can pray during their lunch hour, study hall or even after school.
Each Prayer Group can grow into a five fold ministry of Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism.
The Cross — It is in the Cross, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that we find our lifestyle. Always seeking the face of God,we live not on our own or as our own but completely belonging to Christ. The vertical bar of the Cross represents our personal relationship with God and the horizontal Bar represents our relationship with our neighbors... The Two Great Commandments.
Process — Evangelism is God working through us to reach the lost. It is personal. The message is seen by all in our lifestyle. The Prayer Group is designed for accountability to God in Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Mission.
The Church — The Prayer Groups are not separate from but active members in our local Christian Church. We are in perfect submission to the church and are bond servants to its mission . We are from many different cultures, countries, races, communities, societies and denominations but we are united as the body of Christ.
For the Glory of God — Our Prayer Group members are individuals, churches, ministries and businesses who have come together in prayer asking God to guide us as we respond to the needs of our community. This response is in our Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism We live for the Glory of God.
We affirm the historic Christian faith and proclaim the life-transforming Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is good news, the very best news anyone can hear.
1.The one living God, who eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, loves everyone.
2. God uniquely revealed and inspired the Bible, so that it alone is God’s Word written, hence the Holy Scriptures are the only inerrant authority for what we believe about God’s moral law, salvation from sin and how we should live.
3. Since the disbelief and disobedience of Adam and Eve, all humans have failed to obey God’s two major laws summed up by the Lord Jesus Christ. We have failed to love God with our whole being and we have failed to love our neighbors as ourselves. People have become slaves to selfishness and are alienated from God and one another.
4. Jesus’ death in our place reconciles us to God. His atoning sacrifice provided redemption from the power of sin, forgiveness for our guilt, and reconciliation to Himself and others. We become acceptable to God, or justified, not by works, but by God’s grace alone, through faith in Christ alone. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory.
5. The Holy Spirit draws sinners to repentance, belief in the Gospel and trust in the risen Christ of whom it speaks. The Holy Spirit then assures believers of salvation, gives them gifts for servant ministries, and empowers them to meet the needs of the lost, the poor, and the oppressed.
6. All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are members of His one international, multi-ethnic and transcultural body called the universal church. Its unity is displayed when we reach beyond racial and denominational lines to demonstrate the Gospel’s reconciling power.
7. Our primary calling is to communicate the Gospel to everyone in our generation and nurture disciples. Nothing must divert us from carrying out our Lord’s Great Commission until His glorious return to reign in righteousness.
We have identified 4 main strategies for calling our brothers and sisters to prayer and Cross Style living.
- Humble ourselves, seek the face of God and turn from our wicked ways
- Organize Prayer Groups in every city, state and region of the nation
- Organize Prayer Groups in churches, ministries, schools businesses and families
- Prayer Groups to facilitate or worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism
- Deploy computer network allowing all prayer groups to communicate and work together worldwide
- Create opportunities for Prayer Groups to meet and work together
- Create framework for city, state and regional Prayer Groups
- All Prayer groups are membership based and self sustaining
- Create citywide, statewide, region wide ministry projects
- Launch CityLight Cross Style Training Center
- Build CityLight@ Partnerships
- Build training curriculum with NYSUM
- Build training modules with Teen Challenge Worldwide
- Family Vision Weekend
- Nehemiah Men on the Wall Retreat
- The Esther: Women of Influence Weekend
- CityLight Prayer Partnership for "Prayer in the Square in Times Square"
- CityLight Prayer Partnership for "Prayer in the Square in Times Square" worldwide
- 1 million@ Churches, Ministries and Businesses
- 100,000 Prayer Groups - 1,300,000 Members
Our work will be guided by the Holy Spirit, directed by the Word of God and with a purpose driven lifestyle. The four primary strategies will consist of the following:
Praying: Prayer is an end in and of itself. It is the beginning and end of all things in the Spirit. We shall seek the face of God for direction, renewal, worship and fellowship. It is the foundation of all things. It allows God to be with us. Prayer shall be our example for others to know Him.
Networking: Our Prayer Groups will form a network of believers who can render effective and powerful ministry and evangelism. This network forms the lifeline for shared learning,training and discipleship. It makes availble resources to be used to meet the needs of the poor.
Training: We will offer training on how to set up a prayer group. We will offer bible based instruction on servant leadership, discipleship and Cross Style Living. We will also offer training for men, women and families who want to pursue the call of God for whole communities, cities and states.
Mobilizing: Each Prayer Group will have a leader and 12 members. After one year, each member will start their own Prayer Group as the Holy Spirit gives guidance. This way each member will remain in their first Prayer Group but will lead the second. At the end of that year each member of the second will form their own Prayer group.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla justo consectetur velit. Morbi volutpat. Nam et nibh. Sed nec metus vitae libero luctus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Duis at orci ut mauris imperdiet mattis. Integer quam enim, feugiat at, sagittis at, venenatis in, lacus. Phasellus at tellus.
Start A Prayer Group
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla justo consectetur velit. Morbi volutpat. Nam et nibh. Sed nec metus vitae libero luctus cursus. Nulla facilisi. Duis at orci ut mauris imperdiet mattis. Integer quam enim, feugiat at, sagittis at, venenatis in, lacus. Phasellus at tellus.