Page 11 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 11

Salt Lake City, Utah. He is always reach- ing for the next trophy like sharpening his high school French until today he is  u- ent...overcoming obstacles in the same way he did as a child with childlike faith in God who enables him to accomplish all his goals. And when he comes to Columbia, South Carolina, from the many places he travels on a weekly basis, he always coddles his Dad with a Scrabble game (doesn’t let him win though, just like his Dad taught him) and occasionally has time to take his Mom out to lunch. I love that! Has it come through yet? I am a proud Moth- er. Today is David’s birthday and I am so thankful for my  rstborn, and I hope that he has learned as much from me as I have learned from him. I love you David, and always will.
Kale & Feta Salad
1 bunch kale, large stems discarded,
leaves  nely chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 apple, diced
1/3 cup feta cheese
1/4 cup currants
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
Massage kale with salt in a large mixing bowl for 2 minutes. Pour vinegar over the kale and toss to coat. Fold apple, feta cheese, cur- rants, and pine nuts into the kale.
july 2014 11

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