Page 12 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 12

by: Luella Redfern
Many  nd the idea of trying to deter- mine whether or not they are called into the ministry to be extremely di cult, as I did myself. Yet it is actually not as complicated as we tend to make it out to be. If we look to God’s Word, we will hear an inward call from Him.  rough His Spirit, He speaks to those He has called to serve His Church.
In regards to discerning the call of what to be or do in ministry, let me clarify a few things. All believers are called to ministry. We were created by God in our mother’s
will be called to serve as missionaries or in a di erent role in a church or ministry. Being called into ministry doesn’t always mean being called to pastor. Many people hear the call of God, which comes through His revelation of Himself through the cre- ation and the conscience within us. But only a few will respond because they are the ones who are truly hearing God. Jesus said many times, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. Everyone has ears, but only a few will listen and respond.
If we are truly hearing Jesus, our hearts
“Ful lling one’s role as part of the Body, no matter what that role is, means ministering to others.”
womb for His purpose. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God’s handiwork, cre- ated in Christ Jesus which God prepared in advance for us to do good works. Be- fore we came to know Him, He knew ev- erything about us. Not all Christians are called to preach, however, we all should be serving in some way because we are called to go into all the world and make disciples (Matt 28:19-20). If we want to be great in the kingdom of God, we must also become servants of all (Mark 9:35).
God has called each of us in our own way. Every Christian is part of the Body of Christ. Ful lling one’s role as part of the Body, no matter what that role is, means ministering to others. Some will serve the Lord full-time as pastors, others as minis- ters, elders and o cers in a church. Some
will belong to Him completely. We will have character and integrity. God looks to use those who are humble, contrite, and who tremble at His Word (Isaiah 66:2). If we do not meet these criteria, we should repent, seeking God’s guidance and serve. We must fervently guard our hearts, allow- ing only God to empower us. Only He can make the true call and grant us the gifts necessary for His service. God promises to support those who meet His requirements. We must depend upon God, surrendered to His leading, die to self, become broken and eager to repent of our sins. God must have our whole heart. God’s Word is pow- erful, alive and authoritative.
In con rming my call, it was important for me to  rst examine my heart and my mo- Continued on pg 36
july 2014

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