Page 21 - July 2014 Catalyst
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to the prayer of Christ for complete unity with God and other believers.
“I have given them the glory that you gave me,thattheymaybeoneasweareone:Iin them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” ( John 17:22-23)
CityLigHt Mission stateMent:
CityLight is a catalyst connecting Christ to the culture for community change.
CityLigHt sLogan:
“ e light of the world is Jesus.” “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
How To Start A Prayer Group
WorsHiP 1
 e  rst step in starting a CityLight Prayer Group is to enter into a spirit of Worship... a spirit of unrelenting, unceasing prayer. Taking time to seek the face of God
and experience His presence from the very depths of your soul. It is by the will of God and only by the will of God that you can be an instru- ment of this work.
Ask God to reveal His purpose for your life.  e purpose for the entire- ty of your being. Study the Word of God - the Bible. Pray for the mani- fold wisdom of God to be made manifest in your every endeavor. View the 5 twenty minute video ses- sions of Stephen Manley’s study on prayer and the Book of Ephesians.
Seek the advise, counsel and prayers of your pastor, deacons and church leaders. Learn more about
july 2014
City Light and it’s leaders. Share your pas- sion and love for the Lord Jesus and this mission of prayer with your fellow believ- ers. Allow the call of II Chronicles 7:14 to resonate in your community and the spirit. Examine your life, the lives of those in your community and the spirit and values by which you live. As you discover the will of God for this generation, we pray that you will join us as we join with Him in com- plete obedience and submission.
Knock on the door to your heart and the heart of this generation to live  e Great Commission. Allow the door of prayer to open the hearts of a dying generation and give hope anew to those who have not heard the Good news.
lives, hopes, and dreams to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We promise to uphold, honor and promote the core values of our Christian heritage.
Continued on page 24
e the members of the CityLight
group hereby solemnly pledge our 21

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