Page 19 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 19

because we are afraid to take a stand and say “NO”.
Since I attended Landmark Forum in June, one thing that I’ve committed to in my life is that I’m going to totally for- get about my desire to be right when it comes to communicating with my wife. For too long I’ve been trying to show Re- becca that she’s not as wise or as spiritual as I am; [which, by the way, is sooo spiri- tual and wise, huh?] and have been dead set on proving her wrong as often as pos- sible; and I’ve spent way too many hours trying to do so many other sel sh things that often makes the problem worse. I believe that the root of most divorces is sel shness...and I have been guilty of that crime for many years.
How much of the problems in your mar- riage are you attributing to yourself ? When was the last time that you looked in the mirror and said to yourself, “I’m the one who needs to change”? If you’re like
me, those things haven’t happened very often, if ever. I’ve got to come to the re- alization that life will only change when I change. My friend...your life will change when you change. Even if you are at the point of divorce and you’ve already de- cided that things aren’t going to get any better; I want you to consider this. Even if you divorce your spouse, it’s possible that your problems won’t go away until you di- vorce yourself.
You must be willing to part ways with your desire to avoid con ict; to be proven right in every situation; to have things go your way at every opportunity; to always be the one who demands change rather than demonstrates it. My friend, I invite you to come along with me as we both do our part in stemming the tide of divorce in our lives, that way we will both be bet- ter at understanding and demonstrating change in order for things to get better in our marriage. For our marriage to get bet- ter, WE MUST get better!
july 2014 19

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