Page 34 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 34

PIrayer PossibiLities
n the last devotional, we looked at
“Prayer Perils” that often accompany an increased commitment to prayer in the local church. We explained the practical expectations of satanic counter-attack, su- per cial resistance, traditional suspicion, methodological dissonance, leadership transition, slow advancement, and personal discouragement.
Now, we look at the exciting possibilities that occur when we make an authentic and enduring commitment to a dynamic cul- ture of prayer in the local church. From the promises of God’s word, church his- tory, and my own journey over the decades, I want to encourage you to understand all the Lord could do as you resolutely seek Him together in the context of life and ministry.
exPeCt sPirit-Provided direCtion
Many ministries seem to lack clear direc- tion.  e account of the early church in the Book of Acts inspires us as they obe- diently waited on the Lord, both prior to and after Pentecost, in order to receive the direction of the Holy Spirit for all of His blessings in, among, and through them. Today, we are still expected to seek the leadership and direction of the Spirit for His work (Romans 8:15; Galatians 5:25; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13 & 22). He gladly provides it.
exPeCt autHentiC unity
 e Spirit is the source and preserver of unity among God’s people (Ephesians 4:3-6). As we seek the Lord in one ac-
cord, receiving grace and wisdom from the Spirit, we are united at the deepest level. We experience and express our oneness in Christ, while other loyalties and agendas are surrendered to His will (1 Corinthians 3:3 & 16; 12:13).
exPeCt individuaL transForMation
 e entire focus of my book, Transforming Prayer, was to help believers understand the reality that prayer is primarily designed to transform our lives and empower us as agents of transformation in the world (CLICK HERE for more information). Paul described it this way: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corin- thians 3:18).
exPeCt PersonaL enCourageMent
Our Lord is the “God of All Encourage- ment” (2 Corinthians 1:3).  e early church faced many trials but continued to come to the Lord in prayer to receive di- vine enabling and encouragement in many situations (for example, Acts 4:23-31; 16:25-34). We can do the same.
exPeCt sPirit-eMPoWered outreaCH
 e Holy Spirit is a witness-bearing Spirit (see Acts 1:8).  e story of Acts is the account of the Spirit of God  lling His people as they sought the Lord and then empowering them with a burden and di- vine capability to share the Gospel locally, regionally, and beyond. In the same way, our lost and troubled world desperately
july 2014

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