Page 35 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 35

needs His Spirit-empowered Gospel lived through us.
exPeCt groWing trust
Nothing allows us to know the hearts of other believers like praying together. Twice, I was called to large churches following the trust-destroying event of a moral failure by my predecessor. I learned that when God’s people seek Him together, they get to know one another at a deep level.  e love of the Spirit restores trust and health, even in broken situations (see Romans 5:1; 15:30; 1 Corinthians 13:7).
exPeCt tHe graCe oF HuMiLity
It has been said that the key to humility is a high view of God. Worship-based prayer cultivates a deep reverence and love for the Lord, according to His word.  is diminishes pride and invites divine grace and wisdom. God blesses a humble people and grants them favor in their relationships ( James 3:13-18; 4:16; 1 Peter 5:5).
exPeCt “gLorious” CHurCH serviCes
 e New Testament reminds us that our goal in worship services is that participants (saved and unsaved) are compelled to de- clare, “God is truly among you!” (1 Corin- thians14:25). His“glory”(Hishonorand His manifest presence) is our aim (Ephe- sians 3: 21). United hearts, seeking His blessing, invite this kind of work.
exPeCt a sPirit oF tHanksgiving
Paul noted that when believers pray to- gether, it accelerates their recognition of His work because they actively participate through their prayers.  is multiplies the expressions of thanksgiving to Him (2 Corinthians 1:11; 4:15). Nothing com- pares to the joy of a thankful church.
exPeCt JoyFuL generosity
When the Spirit grips the hearts of peo- ple and invites them into His purposes, He also empowers a new level of giving. People drink deeply of the grace that em- powers supernatural generosity by giving
july 2014
themselves  rst to the Lord. He naturally unleashes grace in their  nances
(see 2 Corinthians 8:5-8).
exPeCt sPontaneous Ministr y MobiLization
Like generosity, Spirit-empowered service  ows from hearts that are calling on the Lord. When we seek Him, we are moti- vated to serve Him in the supernatural en- abling of His divinely-granted gifts.
exPeCt god-ordained groWtH
Christ wants to build His church with a growth that is from God (see Matthew 16:18; Colossians 2:19). When we declare our dependence on Him as the source of growth, He delights in advancing His work through us by His power.
exPeCt tHe PotentiaL oF revivaL
Revival is a sovereign bestowal of the su- pernatural power of Christ upon His people. We do not manipulate it by our prayers, but when we pray, we are in a pos- ture to catch the “wind” of revival when it blows. Even our extraordinary praying is often an indicator of the Lord’s prompting and His desire to prepare us for a special endowment of His power.
exPeCt eternaL reWard
When we stand before the Lord, He will not ask us about the “size” of our minis- try but the “substance” (see 1 Corinthi- ans 3:11-15). Ministry accomplished in the mere energy of human e ort will be burned like wood, hay, and straw. Christ- reliant, Spirit-empowered, prayer-ener- gized ministry will endure for His glory and our reward, like gold, silver, and pre- cious stone.
May God give us conviction, persever- ance, and great hope as we expect and ex- perience His reward for a faithful, pray- ing people.
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