Page 9 - January15-Catalyst
P. 9

By Gladys Grimaud | Continued from page 5
ing. First came the handlebars that had to be attached to the frame, and then the seat and the wheels. The assembly seemed to be progressing steadily and smoothly to- ward completion until Santa’s work came to a soaring halt. Without wanting to be a discouragement, I sat quietly, but had some thoughts left unexpressed such as, “Surely Santa knows how to attach the pedals... the thing that makes the bike move!” But it was apparent! This time, Santa needed the
Have you ever wondered why so many things are going wrong in our nation and the world? Why is there so much hatred and murder? Why can’t families stay to- gether and provide a safe haven for their children? Why so much distrust, crime and confusion, looting, and fighting among us?
The answer is simple really. The life instruc- tion book has been tossed out, stomped on, shredded, and burned. I am referring to the Holy Bible, you know. America was found-
“The physical laws of the universe are powerful and sure, and the spiritual laws of God are just as powerful and sure.”
instruction book in order to assemble the bikes properly.
“Where is it?” he said...staring at me as if I had been the one to take it out of the box. All I could do was say, “Santa Baby. I don’t know where it is, but I will help you look.” Both of us began to scramble around on the floor letting our eyes search every nick and cranny. Trying to solve this problem with- out making a lot of commotion, Santa said, “I see it. I see it.” And with a sigh of relief, Santa grabbed the instruction book and opened it. “Ah, there’s the problem. There is another bicycle part in the box. Now, let me read the instruction book to see where it goes. The elves warned me about this.”
ed upon Christian principles and many of our Founding Fathers were devout Chris- tians. Yet, today, Christians are humiliated and threatened when they dare mention the name of Jesus in a graduation ceremony while students from other countries who reject freedom of religion can gather on American college campuses and organize calls to prayer to worship their foreign gods.
What’s wrong with this picture?
The same picture can be seen in Isaiah 1:
2-9 (The Message Version): (for emphasis
sake, I have inserted the nation of America
where the Bible says Israel and made other
slight changes that you will see in italics)
Continued on next page
February 2015 9

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