Page 24 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 24

CityLight Prayer Group Continued from page 21
“ e fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the  rst fruits of eternal glory.  e tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gen- erosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity.”
 ese fruits are the result of growth in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  ese fruits are tendencies rather than mere willingness, because “the spirit is willing but the  esh is weak.” In the person who possesses a Fruit of the Spirit, this willingness bears fruit in the life and behavior of the person.
CHarity is love, both of God and of neigh- bor. It is our love for God above all things for his own sake and our neighbor as our- selves for the love of God.
Joy is the happiness found in union with the Lord. It is a glimpse of the perfect happiness of heaven that leads us to desire heaven.
PeaCe refers to dealing justly with the world, as well as remaining in good con- science before God.
PatienCe, also known as long-su ering, refers to the tendency to endure both temptation and su ering without it lead- ing to sin.
kindness, also known as Benignity, is the tendency toward acting kindly and doing good.
goodness is the tendency to avoid sin and do good.
generosity is an openness to sharing one’s own gifts and goods with others. It is the opposite of both gluttony and envy.
gentLeness, also known as mildness, is the tendency to allow provocations to go unanswered.
FaitHFuLness is standing strong in faith, and strength against diversion away from faith and virtue.
Modesty refers to purity in appearance and self-image.
seLF-ControL, also known as conti- nence, refers to purity in words as well as the tendency to avoid temptations.
CHastity refers to purity in actions, espe- cially sexual purity. Chastity should not be confused with celibacy, which is the avoid- ance of marriage and marital acts.
Positions in your CityLight Prayer Group
Vice Chairman (Discipleship) Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer Fellowship Coordinator Ministry Coordinator Photographer
Internet Manager
2nd Generation Prayer Group (Evangelism)
Chaplain (Worship Leader) Assistant Chaplain
CoLuMbia Prayer grouP no.
 e members of CityLight Prayer Groups are individuals who are guided by II Chron- icles 7:14 to save a generation and  t it for Worship and Kingdom Service. We pursue the Face of God in all that we do. We pray that our lives may be vessels of Holiness and Fruit of the spirit. In every area of life we o er our Utmost to his Highest.
We are shaped and formed in groups with a leader and 12 disciples. Our Fellowship
july 2014

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