Page 26 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 26

Tools and Tips to Improve Professional and Personal Success
WHat garbrieL garCía Márquez taugHt Me about CoMMuniCating
“Many years later, as he faced the  ring squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon
when his father took him to discover ice.”  at’s how Gabriel Garcia Marquez opens his classic, 100 Years of Solitude. When I heard of his passing last month, those opening lines sprang to mind and I realized that his opening has lessons for all of us when we want to communicate with others.
What did it mean to “discover” ice? Why was the Colonel facing a  ring squad? What happened many years before? I was mesmerized. I wanted to know the an- swers to those questions and many more. I was transformed from a mere reader to an active participant in a journey. I knew that I was in for a treat and I couldn’t wait for it to happen.
 at’s what you want when you communi- cate with others. Here are three takeaways you can use to make that happen:
I. Use a powerful opening
Unfortunately this does not go without saying. Most people still begin presenta- tions, communications and in uence at- tempts with throw away lines. Begin in a way that makes the listener think, “tell me more, please.” Work in the less interesting material later.
II. Present the familiar in an unfamiliar way
While you know the words “discover” and “ice,” putting them together transforms
them into something di erent. You rarely have the chance to communicate some- thing completely new, but your listeners will be more interested if you can share old concepts in a new way.
III. Remember that people connect with people.
Marquez opens with a character to get to know and a con ict to resolve. Whether you’ve got a lot of data to share or other important information to get across, you’ll be better remembered when you include people as part of that process.
Marquez modeled the kind of experience that we as communicators need to create for our listeners – whether we are standing up to speak to a group, writing marketing copy or trying to persuade someone to ac- cept our ideas. Whenever we communi- cate we need to draw our in listener and make them want to know more. Make your opening a promise that something truly interesting is coming.
p.s. – If you’re interested in other great open- ing lines to famous works, check out this list of “100 best  rst lines from novels” on the American Book Review Website.  ey’ve ranked Marquez as number four, but I’d put him at number one. What about you?
CHakisse neWton
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