Page 25 - July 2014 Catalyst
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is for Worship, Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism. Prayer is the cornerstone of our assembly each month. Each disciple in every group will grow and mature to start another group of 12 so that we may reach every heart with the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
We are a Chapter of CityLight Inc., a non- pro t 50 1(c)3 organization. We have pur- posely intentioned to  nd, recruit, develop, equip, and disciple Christians to be todays leaders with a new standard of Holiness. We are committed to God, our families, our children, our extended families and our church. We o er our lives in keep- ing the Two Great Commandments and the Great Commission. By the Seal of our Hands with our commitment to God, we commission CityLight Prayer Group No. Columbia as a new Chapter of CityLight on the___ day of the month of ___ in the year of our Lord ___.
Recruit 12 People to Join You In Prayer one hour each month...
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and PRAY and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will for- give their sin, and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14
CityLight is a Catalyst Connecting Christ to the Culture for Community Change. Our main focus is prayer; seeking the face of God, turning from our wicked ways, receiving forgiveness and the heal- ing of our land.
II Chronicles 7:14
We invite you to join us in this great enter- prise called- CityLight. As Christians we are committed to bringing
july 2014
Light to the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
CityLight is a movement of believers who have committed to living the  e Great Commandments and carrying out the Great Commission. We are not sepa- rate from but active members in our local Christian Church. We are from many dif- ferent cultures, countries, races, communi- ties, societies and denominations, but we are united as one body in Christ.
Our members are individuals, church- es, ministries and businesses who have come together in prayer asking God to guide us as we respond to the needs of our community. This response is in our Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.
For more information, visit: or 25

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