Page 23 - April2015-Catalyst
P. 23

role and resPonsiBility of a Christian WoMen in a Changing soCiety
By Luella Redfern | Continued From Page 13
Christian woman who will stand up and out in a crowd, no matter what the odds, and de- clare their stand for Christ Jesus, affirming bravely and unhesitatingly that loyalty is to the kingdom of God.
Christians are under intense pressure to con- form to the thoughts, goals, and actions of the world. Young people probably face the great- est pressure to conform. There is great pres- sure to drink alcohol, take drugs, and engage in immoral behavior. If you don’t do these things, you may face ridicule and rejection. Now the pressure to conform to the ways of the world is even evident in young children. They have a tendency to dress like the world, talk like the world, and adopt the same atti- tudes as others in the secular world.
After becoming a Christian, one of the most important questions you should ask is, “God what do you want me to do now:” As we are sanctified, we are set apart from sin and unto the Lord. We experience the indwell- ing of Jesus Christ. The transformation of the outside Lord coming to rest upon your heart. This being a dramatic process of change. You learn to live less for sin and self, and more for the Lord as you grow in Him.
Have you experienced a true transforma- tion in your life after becoming a Christian? If you haven’t? It’s time to stop allowing this sinful society to mold your life. The Role and Responsibility of a Christian Woman in a changing society is to stand firm, unmovable always giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor in the Lord
is not in vain. It is our responsibility to be in the world but not of the world.
How do you define yourself as a Christian woman? A Christian woman’s role is clear- lydefined. ItistoloveandfearGod,and to love and be in subjection to her husband. She is to raise the children in the fear of God, and to provide hospitality for others in need. The instructions of Paul in Titus 2 are the same for us today “ He instructed Titus to teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. First he gave him instructions for the men then he told Titus to teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign (speak evil of) the word of God. We are to have a proper attitude to- ward leadership.
Christian women, study God’s word and open your heart to His purpose for your life. Grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ. Let your thoughts, words, and advice be based on the Bible and not on your opin- ion. Christian women do not throw out scriptures to show how knowledgeable and spiritual they are, but rather, their key instinct is balancing faith and action on the Word of God. The measuring stick of your godliness isn’t based on a comparison to other women (not even the Proverbs 31
Continued on pg 31
April 2015 23

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