Page 27 - July 2014 Catalyst
P. 27

by Holy Light Tabernacle
“Or Kodesh”
15 Anderway • Columbia, SC 29203 Phone: (803) 735-6103
Facsimile: (877) 817-4985
Email: Internet: Founders: Deacon James
& Pastor Dr. Hattie Mae Mickens
 is Article uses some Hebrew terms in an e ort to convey the truest meaning of words. Rather than use the term God or Lord when referring to the Master and Maker of the universe, out of reverence to Him, the author has chosen to use Yahveh, the proper Name of our Creator as He gave to Mosheh (Moses).  e same is true when rendering the Hebrew Name of our Savior.  e author uses the Hebrew Name Yahshua, which was given by the angel rather than the Greek/Latin name Jesus.  e usage of Hebrew termi- nology is not intended to o end the reader, but rather to re ect the knowledge of emet (truth) given to the author.
And when Mosheh (Moses) went into the Tabernacle of the congregation to speak with Him, then he heard the voice of One speaking to him from above the rachamim (mercy) seat that was upon the Ark of tes- timony, from between the two cheruvim: and [ Yahveh] spoke to him. Bamidbar (Numbers) 4:89.
Do you really want to hear the voice of Yahveh? Once you hear the voice of Yah- veh, you are left with a choice. To shema, means, “to listen and obey.” You can listen and ignore the voice or you can listen and act accordingly.  e choice is yours.
Once you hear the voice of Yahveh, you still have to follow His instructions.
And when Mosheh (Moses) went into the Tabernacle of the congrega- tion to speak with Him, then he heard the voice of One speaking
to him from above the racha- mim (mercy) seat that was upon the Ark of testimony, from between the two cheruvim: and [Yahveh] spoke to him. Bamidbar
- Numbers 4:89.
july 2014 27

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