Page 12 - January15-Catalyst
P. 12
hOw is YOur sOul
BY: BOnita Britt,
fOunder resureCtiOn, redemPtiOn, & res- tOratiOn ministries internatiOnal
God’s desire is for us to have a prosper- ous mind and soul. To have a prosper- ous mind, you have to think prosperously. You cannot think with a mind full of nega- tive thoughts and expect to have a prosper- ous mind and soul.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosperth.”
This is not only about thinking healthy but also being healthy. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7) This is why we must be sure our mind is set on the will of God, not on the condition or cir- cumstances of this life.
( JOhn 3: 2)
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in ev- ery way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers” (3 John 2AMP).
If our soul is making wrong choices and it’s following our flesh, we’re not going to pros- per. The problems we face are going to be the direct result of making bad choices. So, let’s, throughout the day, set our minds on doing the right thing. Sometime we can end up making some decisions that will be inconsistent with the desired result. The rea- son for this to happen is that we are a spirit, we possess a soul, and live in a fleshly body. Your spirit man is the portion of you that gets born-again. Your soul, or your mind, needs to be renewed, but your flesh basically stays the same.
We must control the flesh with a born- again spirit and a renewed mind. Our Soul is our Will, Mind and Emotions. It’s the desires between the flesh and the desires of our spirit. In Romans 7, we need to under- stand how we may desire one thing and yet get another.
“I do not understand what I do. For what I wanttodoIdonotdo,butwhatIhateIdo.
Continued on pg 34
February 2015