look back I'm awestruck by the fact that
they never let their own personal struggles
lead them to a place of `faithlessness.' Even
today I can call home to nd out what new
things they are learning about their Lord
and Savior.'
Jimmy graduated from high school when
he was sixteen years old and went on to
receive two degrees in theology launching
a life of ministry of around the world. At
age eighteen he was installed as the senior
pastor of Rankin's Cove Baptist Church
in middle Tennessee where he served the
citizens of Appalachia who lived in "hol-
lers" without electricity or running water.
"I was privileged at a young age to con-
front the darkness of poverty right here at
home in the U.S. It changed me and to this
day helps me to hold `loosely' in my hand
the things of this world."
At age twenty Jimmy was invited by Joy
Ranch home for Children in Virginia to
go on the road to preach and raise funds
for this 24hr childcare residential facility.
It was there that he discovered the pro-
fession of fundraising and soon formed
his rst company Development Systems
International, Inc. which f o r
the past twenty-four
years has assisted con-
cerned people around
the world advance the
common good.
Jimmy's business phi-
losophy is simple, " nd a
need and meet it... make
a promise and keep it." His
approach to enterprise con-
siders other people's goals more
important than his own and has
led to startling success in every re-
gion of the world. In the past year alone
his companies have been responsible for
transforming leaders in the U.S., Asia, Eu-
rope, the U.K., Central America, and the
Middle East.
His entrepreneurial commitment to ad-
vance the common good ultimately led to
the formation of three divisions within the
James P. LaRose Companies... Consulting,
Education and Retail. His family of corpo-
rations include the National Development
Institute (a 501c3 nonpro t organization),
Development Systems International, PAX
Global, Nonpro tUniversity.tv, and eMe-
dia Fundraising. He is the author of the
internationally recognized fundraising
teaching series MAJOR GIFTS RAMP-
UP and is the designer of FIRMware, a
complete back-o ce for nonpro t con-
sultants. Jimmy led the design team that
established Certi ed Nonpro t Consul-
tant (CNC), a credentialing process that
supports nonpro t executives committed
to sharing their management experience
with their peers. He is the co-founder of
ProPlatforms, Inc. an online social media
community network that supports citizens
of the world committed to changing lives.
Finally, he is the founder of DonorScope,
a web-based research portal that identi es
philanthropists, altruists, and leaders and