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october 2011
However, letting them know that parenting
also has it's challenging struggles when there
are two parents. In order for a radical change
to take place in their parenting skills and a
shift in their beliefs, it has to happen from
within the very core of their being. They will
continue to be who they are and to make the
same life choices unless the path they are on is
Esther Women Building Relationships &
Sharing the Gospel in Oklahoma City
aturday, October 1, 2011, Sylvia Mick-
ens and Luella Redfern traveled out to
Oklahoma City, OK, to represent Cit-
yLight women's ministry, the Esther Women
of Influence at the 7th annual Queen for a
Day Event sponsored by the Single Parent
Support Network's. This was a very excit-
ing day for single moms where they were
encouraged to consider their purposed as-
signment from God in our world.
Just as last year, they were truly blessed to be
included in this awesome event. This day was
set aside for single moms and grandmothers
but all who attended were embraced, en-
couraged and empowered. The Single Par-
ent Support Network, founded by Rhonda
Thomas provide services to and for single
mothers in the Oklahoma area. The title
of single moms include: military wives with
husbands deployed overseas, grandmothers
raising their grandchildren alone, women
who never married, adopted, divorced, hus-
bands in prison, or widowed.
Sylvia and Luella were table host and pre-
senters, sharing their stories and the Gos-
pel with these ladies empowering them and
giving them hope. Understanding that the
original intent for a family is a man and a
woman, both pulling together with one mind
and one purpose in raising their children.
interrupted by a change in their atmosphere.
The only true power they have to make that
change is the one true God, who created us.
He knows our story and only He can bring us
to a place of the right choices.
The Esther Women of Influence are...
Continued on page 12
Suzanne Grimaud
& Rhonda Thomas
Table Host Luella Redfern
& Her Queens
Sylvia Mickens & The Ok. Esther Prayer Group