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april 2012 21
e've learned a lot about the
earth by going out into space
and looking back at our planet. Scien-
tists have learned about weather pat-
terns, the location of natural resourc-
es, and other things that they might
never have known if we had simply
stayed here on earth.
And in much the same way, the sub-
ject of prophecy takes us beyond the
limitations of our time-and-space-
bound world and allows us to see the
big picture. The result should be a
drastic change in how we view what's
temporary in life versus how we view
what's eternal. And no event is proph-
esied in the Bible as frequently as the
day Jesus Christ will return in victory
over His enemies.
The Greek general, Alexander the
Great, is reported to have said that
Megiddo, the scene for the Battle of
Armageddon, is the most natural bat-
tlefield in the world. Alexander was
looking at a plain that stretches for
many miles and allows for the move-
ment of vast armies. It's here that the
Bible says that Satan, the Antichrist,
and the False Prophet will gather
their armies for a last stand against
God, which will result in His judg-
ment against them.
This judgment is described in the
Book of Revelation in an awesome
sight: "Behold, a white horse, and
He who sat upon it is called Faith-
ful and True..." (Revelation 19:11).
The image of a conqueror riding a
white horse was something anyone
in New Testament times would have
easily understood. That's because
when a victorious Roman general re-
turned from battle with his captives
and the spoils, he rode through Rome
in a victory parade on a white horse,
a symbol of victory in that day. The
Bible borrows that very picture when
it describes Jesus Christ as returning
"God has promised you and me that
He holds the victory"
Continued on page 34
How You Can Find
Hope in God's Promises
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