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april 2012 27
Christ Central serves 3500-4000 meals a month as well
as offering many other services to the community from
the Main Street Location. Our commercial refrigerator
recently stopped running and one of our heating and air
units went out this past summer. Please join your faith
and prayers with ours as we trust God for a Commercial
Refrigerator and HVAC unit for the Christ Central Co-
lumbia Mission Station
We can do nothing without prayer. All things can be done by impor-
tunate prayer. It surmounts or removes all obstacles, overcomes every
resisting force and gains its ends in the face of invincible hindrances".
- E. M. Bounds
1 (5 ounce) package instant
vanilla pudding mix
3 cups cold milk
1 (9 inch) angel food cake, cut
in cubes
4 bananas, sliced
1 (16 ounce) package frozen
strawberries, thawed
1 (12 ounce) container frozen
whipped topping, thawed
1. Prepare pudding with milk
according to package direc-
tions. In a trifle bowl or other
glass serving dish, layer half
the cake pieces, half the pud-
ding, half the bananas, half
the strawberries and half the
whipped topping. Repeat lay-
ers. Cover and chill in refrig-
erator 4 hours before serving.
CHRIST CENTRAL'S # 1 commitment is to serve every
client in a spirit of love and respect. Our devoted volunteers
are dedicated to serve in excellence, regardless of how great
or small the need. I am both grateful and honored to have
such dedicated and faithful volunteers who make great sac-
rifices to serve in the daily operation at 2401 Main Street.
There are many services offered at Christ Central Colum-
bia, but none of it would be possible without our volunteers.
Some come driving a Cadillac, others come with only a
backpack. Some can only stay an hour, others will stay all
day. The common thread among them all is a grateful heart
with a willingness to enhance another life. Volunteers are
the life of Christ Central Columbia and our greatest asset.
The following volunteer positions/opportunities are cur-
rently available at Christ Central Columbia
Clothes Coordinator
Director of procurement
Part time Receptionist
Prep Cooks
Professional Floor Care
Director of Community Service (PTI)
Director of Sound/Equipment
Director of Grounds
Vehicles Maintenance
Supervisor Sunday Morning Breakfast
For more information or a site visit, please contact:
Rev. Luella Redfern, Volunteer Coordinator or
Pastor Sylvia Mickens@ 803-765-1998