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april 2012 31
am a Jesus push-
er!!! Many people
are intrigued by
prophecy. The in-
vestigation of the
unfolding prophetic
events and our loca-
tion in that sequence
is addictive. Prophecy
is not about Jesus; it is Jesus! The ultimate
theme of Old Testament prophecy is Jesus;
but it was in the future tense. Matthew's
Gospel account places us on a new level.
Jesus is "present tense." The Pharisees and
Sadducees had a very difficult time with the
"present tense" Jesus. A strong financial con-
tributor to the budget of the temple was the
offering of sacrificial lambs. Each lamb was
Stephen Manley
a testimony of the coming Messiah. It was
prophecy in the future tense. If "The Lamb" is
present tense, there would never be a need for
further lamb sacrifices. The temple with all of
its activities testified of the coming Messiah.
If He is here, the significance of these activi-
ties and the temple would fade. The leaders
of Israel chose a future tense Messiah rather
than a present tense Jesus.
We face the same dilemma. We focus on what
Jesus will do at the second coming. We sing
songs of heaven, streets of gold and great man-
sions. There will be no more death, pain, or
sorrow. What about the present tense embrace
of Jesus in my life now? The way I am going to
live as a result of the second coming is the way
I am to live now filled with His presence. Sin
will be banished then; will I allow His pres-
ence to banish it now in my life? Peace will
reign then; will I allow Him to rule in peace in
my life now? In a real sense, we are waiting for
nothing. All I am experiencing in the intimacy
of the present tense Jesus will simply manifest
itself in fuller revelation in the future. He is
here; I am His! I am a Jesus pusher!!!