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march 2012 15
shared her personal testimony choosing the
topic, "One MIND (Moving In New Dimen-
sions)." Rhonda told of how she went from a
person of wealth in Real Estate to practically
homeless in one week. She said her world was
turned upsidedown. When she was making the
money and living the life, God was there, how-
ever, He was secondary.
Thomas told the group about the devastation
of divorce, being cast out of her church because
of she was divorced and raising her son alone.
She said her friends turned their backs on her.
She was at the lowest point in her life. She had
to trust God, in spite of it all, allowing Him to
transform her very existence.
Thomas had to have a new thought. She real-
ized that her world was not much from where
she stood. Due to the turmoil in her life she
journeyed into a new dimension with God.
Rhonda encouraged the women on Saturday
morning to trust God for miracles. It was the
miracle of God that kept her from being home-
less. "God is how I recovered from the financial
mess I found myself."
Luella Redfern said, "I know at least one per-
son who experienced God's healing touch after
Rhonda's message, which is a testament of God's
grace and power, as well as the integrity of His
Word. Rhonda gave us a Word of Truth."
The afternoon prayer walk was a highlight to
the conference, according to Redfern. "We
chose the Landmark hotel because of it beach
front property. Each conference attendee had
quiet time on the beach. The Prayer Walk has
become an annual tradition for us."
Sarah Lewis told the group of a dream she
the conference. She gave a powerful testimony
of how God has delivered her each day of her
life. Other conference speakers included Sheila
Mills, Rhonda Thomas and Sarah Lewis.
Sheila Mills, M.P.H., is from Charleston, SC and
the owner of Faith Concepts LLC. Mills is the
author of "Crossing Your Jordan In Faith-Stop
Wading, Start Walking." She spoke on Commit-
ment. Her topic was "You Have Been Summoned
- Will You Accept your Place of Commitment?"
Luella Redfern introduced Sheila Mills as a
"Woman in Transition" inspiring faith and a
perfecting purpose. "I really do give God thanks
for her life. . . Sheila is a humble yet powerful
speaker," Redfern said. She coached us out of
bondage into the marvelous light. Asking us to
close our eyes and think of whatever was hold-
ing us in bondage and let it go.
Quoting Ephesians 3: 11-12 Mills said, "Ac-
cording to His eternal purpose which He ac-
complished in Christ Jesus, our Lord, In Him
and through faith in Him we approach God
with Freedom and Confidence." We learned
that leaving life with a "HOKEY POKEY"
mentality or faith is a distraction that will lead
to defeat. God does not ask nor accept our put-
ting in and then taking out pieces of ourselves
from his custody and will for our lives. He re-
quires the whole of us."
Redfern said, "We were inspired by Sheila's
message. As we transition through life we must
not be distracted but remain committed, re-
membering to hold on to God's unchanging
hand because he will never let us fall."
Rhonda Thomas, Executive Director of Single
Family Support Network, Oklahoma City, OK