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march 2012
had that confirmed a coworker's vision. Lewis
works as an Administrative Assistant at Saluda
High School. Lewis shared her personal testi-
mony using the topic "Transcending One Step
at a Time." Her dream confirmed the need for
prayer in Saluda county and the five surround-
ing counties. Sarah said that it amazes her how
God can use ordinary people to accomplish
great things for so many people.
My ministry is as a servant working behind the
scenes making everyone better. Sarah said she
handles program logistics and brings to excel-
lence all the little things that make a program
successful. Redfern said "For someone pro-
claiming that she is not a speaker, she did an
excellent job." Sarah demonstrated a level of
humility that is rare, Redfern added.
Sarah introduced the first Lady of her church,
Lane Jackson. "As a pastor's wife, I need support
and comfort just as much as the members" she
stated. Lane also shared her testimony about
what the Lord has done in her life, bringing her
through sickness. She talked about how most
people sing songs but don't pay any attention
to the words or meaning of the songs. Songs
such as "As long as I got King Jesus I don't need
nobody else." "We do need somebody else",
First Lady Jackson added, "we need relation-
ships with people that will pray with and for us.
We need someone to comfort us and share in
our joy." She shared how being the First Lady
(Pastor's wife) can cause additional stress in
your life. God gave her the courage to be her
own person. To dress and act how she's most
comfortable. She learned to be the woman that
God created. She then led the women in praise
and worship.
Gladys Grimaud, founder of the Esther
Women of influence, said, "It was wonderful
to hear Lane's testimony and to have her with
us again this year."
Toni Cunningham led the intercessory prayer
time where women shared testimonies and words
of encouragement. Cunningham said, "We be-
lieve that He can do what the Bible says He can
do! We are ready for healing and restoration!" The
spirit of the Lord fell on everyone in attendance.
The conference ended on Sunday morning
with a joint worship service with the CityLight
Men on the Wall. Each year the men in the
CityLight Prayer groups, called "Men on the
Wall", hold their annual retreat at another ho-
tel in Myrtle Beach. On the final day of both
retreats, the groups combine for a joint service.
The service opened with Praise and Worship
with Lane Jackson. Then James Holloway of
Saluda, SC led in several soul stirring, bone
rattling selections.
The highlight of the service was a tag team
double sermon by Esther National Director
Rev. Luella Redfern and CityLight Interna-
tional Executive Director, Bishop Redfern II.
The husband and wife team delivered a mes-
sage that challenged the group.
Prayer and thanksgiving was given by Rev. Lu-
ella Redfern. She thanked God for the women
He brought to the retreat. Rejoicing and giv-
ing thanks to Him, she preached a massage of
hope and reconciliation. "We must become the
vessels of hope and catalysts of change. Jesus
is pursuing each you, to stand like Esther and
save a generation from annihilation. God could
not have chosen a better venue, a better time, or
a better group of people to initiate a revival!"
Rev. Redfern said, "In preparing for the retreat,
I ran across some starfish pens I have had for
several years. Every year, I have picked up those
pens and said, "I need to do something with
these. What does the starfish poem have to do
with Women In Transition? I read the poem
and God gave me this message, `This Starfish is
a symbol to remind you to never give up. Wom-
en In Transition, be strong in ME. Have faith
and never give up! Believe, as the child who was
throwing the Starfish back into the ocean. Kneel
down, pick up your sister, encourage her, make a
difference in her life. I will smile on you. I cre-
ated you for MY purpose. You have the power to
change the world, one Starfish at a time.' I got
it. He gave me the reassurance I needed that He
was in control and I had nothing to worry about,
as He would put His words in my mouth".
Rev. Redfern continued, "Women In Transi-
esther Women of Influence
"Women in Transition"
Continued from page 15