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march 2012 23
because Joe heard him say that if we
did not marry before he left for Turkey
that we would never get married. Joe
decided to take care of that before he
left for Turkey. On the eve of Janu-
ary 18, 1957, we borrowed Dad's 1952
Chrysler New Yorker, dropped him
off at a poker game at Uncle Char-
lie's house in Pasadena, and drove to
the Justice of the Peace in Houston.
When we arrived at the judge's house, I
almost changed my mind on the door-
step. I thought I might get a whip-
ping when I got home. Joe grabbed me
by the hand and pulled me inside, and
standing in the middle of their living
room with the judge's wife as a wit-
ness, Joe and I got married.
Four days later, Joe left for his eigh-
teen-month assignment to Turkey and
what seemed like an eter-
nity. I lived with my par-
ents for another year and a
half and continued to go to
school until he came home
for the beginning of our life
together in Topeka, Kan-
sas. I completed my high
school education there and
gave birth to David, our
first son, on my graduation
night, May 26, 1960. I was
salutatorian of the class and
made national news with
pictures taken from the
hospital bed at Stormont-
Vail Hospital in Topeka.
Life has been quite an ex-
citing journey with Joe at
my side. Fifty-five years
later, I am still wearing the
ring that Dad accused Joe of getting
out of a Cracker Jack box. The truth
is that he bought the rings at the Post
Exchange in Monterey and paid $57
for them, which was two-thirds of his
monthly salary. I have never desired
to have anything more elaborate than
the sacrificial gift Joe placed on my
finger on Christmas Eve at Aunt Faye
and Uncle Charlie's house so many
years ago. It was an early indication
of the multitude of sacrifices that Joe
would pour out of his life into mine
as we walked the road of life together.
Many have asked us, "What's your
secret?" The answer is simple but not
the answer that many are willing to
make. Make Jesus Christ the head of
your home and live a life of submis-
sion and service taking everything to
the Lord in prayer.