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march 2012
n Januar y
Gladys and I
celebrated out
55th Wedding
Anniversary. We
married young.
Very young! But
that relation-
ship has been
my most important decision, other
than accepting Christ as my per-
sonal savior. As a matter of fact, I
have always thought the decision of
marriage, and to whom, was such
an important decision that I began
praying for my oldest child's mate
while he was still nothing more
than a seed in his mother's womb.
And I continued to do that for each
of my children and grandchildren
on almost a daily basis until they
were married. God has honored
that with my three boys who have
all taken mates that I believe were
an answer to those prayers. I have
continued that daily prayer tradition
for each of my nine grandchildren.
The oldest has now married, and I
believe it was once again an answer
to those prayers. The marriage rela-
tionship is that important.
According to Jennifer Baker of the
Forest Institute of Professional Psy-
chology in Springfield, Missouri,
50% percent of first marriages, 67%
of second and 74% of third mar-
riages end in divorce.
I believe that if we could solve the
divorce problem in this country we
would solve most of the problems of
our society. That includes our deficit
and national debt problems. Is that
an overstatement? I don't think so.
When parents divorce the children
suffer. They suffer in the attention
Local Events &
Points of Interest
JAN 1st - MAY 12th
Religion in the civil waR
Location: south caroLina confederate reLic
room and miLitary museum
1800 12th street, cayce, sc
aRts at shandon: BeRt ligon JaZZ
shandon Presbyterian church
607 WoodroW street | coLumbia, sc
colUMBia BaRoQUe soloists: gala celeBRa-
tion & silent aUction
first christian church
2062 n. beLtLine bouLevard | coLumbia, sc
MARCH 23rd - 25th
aRts at shandon: dinneR theateR "doUBt"
shandon Presbyterian church
607 WoodroW street | coLumbia, sc
MARCH 23rd - 25th
XPRess Faith colUMBia
sPring vaLLey baPtist church
91 PoLo road | coLumbia, sc
PalMetto aRtist seRies PResents:
andRew PeteRson
st. andreWs Presbyterian church
6952 st. andreWs road | coLumbia, sc
FRoM salZBURg with love
ebenezer Lutheran church
1301 richLand street, coLumbia, sc
for a fuLL List of LocaL events visit:
Marriage, the Deficit
& Christianity
Continued on pg 29
By Joe Grimaud