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march 2012 25
1. PrAyer netWorK
Establish a citywide prayer network involv-
ing Pastors and laity.
2. FInAnCe
Seek and develop ways to generate an on-
going income stream to support the
CityLight's Mission.
3. CoMMunICAtIon
Coordinate a communication network
within the community involving Churches,
Christian ministries, and the community
4. VoLunteer CoorDInAtIon
Coordinate and integrate CityLight volun-
teers based on their areas of interest.
5. eVents
Coordinate information on Christian
events taking place in the Columbia area
and coordinate CityLight sponsored events.
6. MInIstry CoorDInAtIon
Coordinate information on Christian min-
istries and outreach opportunities in the
Columbia area and develop a "Ministry
Directory" listing available ministries
and resources in the community.
7. unIty AnD reConCILIAtIon
Promote unity and reconciliation across
racial, cultural, and denominational lines
by encouraging Pastors, laity, and the busi-
ness community to work together to bring
moral, spiritual, and economic changes to
the community.
8. CHurCH AnD CoMMunIty
Mobilize Churches and the community to
capitalize on available gifts, talents, and re-
sources to address the problems and needs
of the community.
9. CHurCH AnD LeADersHIP
Train, prepare, and equip Churches and commu-
nity leaders for maximum community outreach.
10. FAMILy reneWAL
Rebuild and strengthen families in the
community according too Biblical family
principles, with an emphasis on targeting
"at risk youth".
11. eDuCAtIonAL
Work with Churches and the community
in the areas of youth tutorial, remedial in-
struction, illiteracy, and other educational
related problems.
12. HousInG reDeVeLoPMent
Foster safer neighborhoods, promote and
provide affordable housing for the homeless
and others with housing needs, encourage
neighborhood property beautification, and
strengthen neighborhood relationships.
13. HeALtH reVItALIZAtIon
Work with Churches and the community to
identify and address problems that are con-
tributing to the deterioration of the physical
and emotional health of the community.
14. busIness AnD eConoMIC
Work with Churches and the community
to promote business stability and growth
using available resources to help the unem-
ployed, underemployed, and others in need
in the community.
If you would like tot be a part of the move
of God in Columbia and volunteer to
serve on one of the CityLight Commit-
tees or if you would like more information
about the CityLight Mission, you may call
or write to us at:
P.O. Box 8642
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 518-1257
CityLight is a Catalyst
Connecting Christ to the Culture
for Community Change
a Catalyst Connecting Christ to the Culture
for Community Change