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march 2012
of the readers participation. Past CityLight
Prayer Breakfasts have included speakers
who are the CEOs and presidents of ma-
jor institutions such as power companies,
banks, hospitals, insurance companies and
others. As result of changes in technology,
The Catalyst has the flexibility of serving
as the program booklet for more than one
event per month and is not limited our lo-
cal community. This means that any group
wanting share in the movement of the cat-
alytic christian values of CityLight can use
the Catalyst Magazine as a program book.
The most amazing feature of the Catalyst
Platform is its dual publishing format. The
Catalyst Program book is printed on paper
and distributed at the Events. This meets
the publishing mandates and the require-
ments of Event Related Marketing. The
other publishing format is electronic which
creates opportunities for local and global
distribution at a production price point that
is unbeatable when compared to conven-
tional print media. The electronic edition
of Catalyst introduces new tools of com-
munication. In the electronic version of the
Catalyst, videos of the Program Event or
the Cause Event can be embedded in the
magazine, giving the readers a firsthand
view of our movement. The Catalyst can
be read on computers, android devices, ip-
hones, ipads and our readers can have a live
video conference during the Event or with
the leaders of the Cause.
Businesses, corporations, churches and non-
profits have a new tool to engage their audi-
ences. The Good News is still a story worth
telling and life worth living. Each one of us
can be a Catalyst to change a generation.
In a Catalyst Magazine near you,
Redfern II