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february 2012 19
re you a son or daughter of The
Living God? What does that
entail? Lately I have been study-
ing and meditating on what it means to
be a son or a daughter of Yahweh. We
have all grown up with imperfect parents,
and some with no parents at all. Those
bonds and relationships are what shape
us as young children; they mold our per-
ceptions and go with us throughout our
lives. Whether we realize it or not, they
are the very relationships that we use to
filter all others. However, we must un-
derstand that Yahweh is NOT human
and our relationship CAN NOT be held
in the same light that we hold our earthly
fathers or mothers.
Growing up, my family was broken...
to put it mildly. I was raised by nearly
everyone in my family until I was 12,
when finally I was adopted by my aunt
and uncle. My relationship with my
biological parents was either warped
or non existent. My adopted dad
didn't know how to respond to having
a daughter, being the father of 5 sons,
so he let my adopted mom make deci-
sions regarding my well being. As the
only daughter in a family dominated
by sons where my father was unable to
guide me, I felt unsure of how to relate
to my Heavenly Father. I longed to un-
derstand if my place as a daughter was
different than that of a son. Was I less
important? I began praying and seek-
ing Holy Spirit's guidance and looked
to the Word for the answer.
As I looked through scripture, I realized
Yahweh doesn't think of us (sons and
daughters) the way the world does. He
doesn't see just his boys, and forget his
girls! So many denominations discourage
the voice of women in the body. How-
ever, our God is NOT a denomination,
nor does He pay attention to them (in
the same way Yahshua ignored the Jew-
ish man-made traditions). He wants His
MEN and WOMEN - His SONS and
To Be Sons
& Daughters
By: Casey Lowe, Editor
"We must be UNAFRAID to be used in the ways HE
wants to use us, so we can bless His Kingdom!"
Continued on page 30