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february 2012
he Biblical story of Queen Esther of
Persia, a woman who trusted her God
to save her nation, resonates in me, a swell
of desire that an army of women with the
same resolve, courage, and character of Es-
ther would arise in America. Esther had
a feminine mystique that facilitated her
courageous decisions and actions during a
time of dangerous political crisis. She hid
the fact that she was a Jew, but, through her
Called To Save
A Nation
Gladys Grimaud
Continued on page 20
"Whether a woman's decisions precipitate disaster or blessing upon her
family and nation depends upon whom she chooses to worship.."
When challenged, Esther understood the
implications, "For if you remain silent at this
time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will
arise from another place, but you and your fa-
ther's family will perish. And who knows but
that you have come to royal position for such a
time as this?" - Esther 4: 14 (NIV)
I have asked myself, `Could I have been
so courageous under such circumstances?'
But, I am afraid of the answer that I might
find; for you see, I too am living at a time of
political correctness. To take a bold stand in
Jesus Christ in America in the 21st century
is to oppose political correctness and suffer
consequences. It is to feel the wrath of those
who desire to impose their political correct
position upon all of society, many times re-
jecting the truth of Jesus Christ. When a
nation chooses to ignore God's instructions
for righteousness, that nation will always
decline in freedom and blessings. Sadly,
now, instead of America proudly proclaim-
ing Jesus Christ, she makes concessions and
accommodations for other gods...or no god
at all. Have we allowed the political attitude
of Haman, Herod, or Hitler to rule over us?
God, she found the courage to stand up to the
evil that would have annihilated her people,
the Jews. The future existence of God's cho-
sen people, and ultimately the appearance of
the Redeemer-Messiah, was jeopardized by an
evil edict to destroy the Jews. God used her in-
fluential personality, her decisions and actions,
to change the course of human history. She
is the example of what all women everywhere
can be when decisions are made unselfishly out
of a desire to please God. Whether a woman's
decisions precipitate disaster or blessing upon
her family and nation depends upon whom she
chooses to worship. If she chooses to serve self,
her family and nation suffer tremendous loss.
If she chooses submission to God and lives a
life of prayer and obedience to God's instruc-
tions, her family and nation will be rescued and
restored in blessings.