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may 2012 41
Ecumenical Church by unanimous consent
presented Rev. Redfern II, the Founder and
General Overseer of church as a candidate
for Consecration for the office of Bishop.
The Ecumenical Church of Christ was
founded by Rev. Redfern II in Columbia,
SC; in May of 1995.
10 senior ministers of the Ecumenical
Church issued the Call of Consecration.
They were: Rev. Dr. Ted Cunningham, Rev.
James P. LaRose, Rev. Ramon E. Balaguer
Trujillo, Rev. Stephen Gibbs, Rev. James
Johnson, Rev. Dr. Hattie Mae Mickens, Rev.
Dr. Sylvia Mickens, Rev. Paula D. Perry,
Rev. Samuel Perry, and Rev. Luella Redfern.
Rev. Redfern II answered the Call of Con-
secration from the floor of the Convoca-
tion. Rev. LaRose led the examination and
presented the Letter of Intent, the Certifi-
cate of Apostolic Intention and the Cer-
tificate of Episcopal Election. Rev. Sylvia
Mickens prayed the Prayer of Impartation
and anointed Rev. Redfern II with oil.
The Chairman of the Ecumenical Coun-
cil and the Chief Academic Officer of
the Ecumenical University presented the
newly consecrated Bishop Redfern II with
Appointments and Vestiture of the Office.
Rev. Ramon E. Balaguer Trujillo presented
the Bishop with his Cross, Crosier, Sword,
Ring and the Mace.
Bishop Redfern II was conferred the Doc-
tor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa by
the Ecumenical University. As Bishop,
Redfern II serves as Board Chairman of
the University. The Ecumenical Church
and University provides instruction and
training for pastors and ministers of the
Ecumenical Church around the world.
The newly consecrated Bishop Redfern
II was presented to assembled congrega-
tion. He thanked the Church for allowing
him to be the chief servant and promise
to carry the message of Jesus the Christ to
the ends of the earth.