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june 2012
Recently Pastor Robinson-Brooks has
reached further heights by doing food
drives to help the elderly, the sick, and the
shut-in. She purchases used toys and
bikes, have them repaired and cleaned in
order to play Santa Clause for the little
children of those in need.
She welcomes ex-offenders, just out of
prison, into her home. She assists them
with getting clothes and helps them with
transportation to all of their appointments.
Pastor Robinson-Brooks gives them godly
love. The love that some have never had in
their lives. She is a mother, sister, friend and
a comforter in their time of need. Pastor
Robinson-Brooks is a wonderful woman
of God. She will do whatever she can to
help, even if it means doing without herself.
Pastor Robinson-Brooks has truly been a
blessing to many and we thank God for her.
Louisa Davis Dobbins is a resident of Co-
lumbia ,South Carolina. She is retired U.S.
Army and Postal Worker. She has worked
for Temple University Health Sciences
Center in Philadelphia, PA, providing vo-
cational rehabilitation. She commits her
life to ministry! Her performances include
tributes to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as
well as excerpts from her play "Heritage of
American, written February 1978. Her play
has been produced at least 30 times in the
U.S. and overseas.
Lousia has two books due out in 2012: a
collection of short stories and a collection of
poetry and prose. She is published with the
Columbia Writers Alliance in "Potpourri:
A Collection of Literary Works".
became regular attendees. Several of them
joined as full members. Bishop Redfern
and the Ecumenical Church purchased
blue blazers and khakis as usher uniforms
for several of the men. They also started a
men's choir. This was the launching of the
Men on the Wall ministry. Several are still
with the Ecumenical Church today. This is
only one example of how Pastor Robinson-
Brooks has made a difference.
In January of 2003, Pastor Robinson-
Brooks started a ministry in her home (a
three bedroom trailer in Gaston, South
Carolina). She began her ministry by tak-
ing in a few homeless people. Bishop Red-
fern taught her that sometimes you cannot
just walk into the park and tell a homeless
person, or the outcasts, that Jesus loves
them. Oftentimes they cannot compre-
hend that because, chances are, they have
been hurt by family members or church
people. First you have to earn their trust.
You have to feed them, clothe them, care
for them, and love them unconditionally,
as you help them to understand that God
loves them too. Pastor Robinson-Brooks
put her faith into action by sharing the
gospel while meeting their needs. It was
her desire to let them know that they were
loved. She began going into the park on
Mother's Day gathering all the mothers,
dressing them up, giving them makeovers
and taking them out to dinner. She also did
the same thing for the fathers on Father's
Day. She raise money to assist in burying
the homeless when they passed away. Pas-
tor Robinson-Brooks has always been very
good at fund raising and she has never been
afraid to ask for support in her efforts.
Pastor Robinson-Brooks was licensed in
the ministry January 23, 2004. She was
chartered on March, 19, 2006 by Bishop
Redfern, II to open the First Ecumenical
Church of West Columbia in her home,
where she had 25 members. Several of her
members were Hispanic and she spent
many hours teaching them English and as-
sisting them in applying for benefits.
Senior Moments
Honoring Seniors Still Serving In Ministry
Continued from page 5