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june 2012 33
lbert Einstein is supposed to have said,
"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I
stay with problems longer." Whatever you may
think of Dr. Einstein's self-evaluation, his em-
phasis on staying in the midst of challenges and
difficulties is a good focus for each of us.
Two godly men had such sharp disagreements
that they parted ways, picked teammates, and
went to separate ministries, but you may be sur-
prised that these two guys were among the first
missionaries in the New Testament. Paul and
his good friend, Barn-
abas, had such strong
disagreement over the
readiness of young
John Mark to serve
with them, that Paul
and Barnabas went
their separate ways.
Maybe you can take
heart when you realize
that Acts chapter 15
speaks so candidly of
these differences. But
Paul did not quit, nor
did Barnabas, and in
later writings of the New Testament, we find
that they came together again in unity of pur-
pose and effort. Even John Mark, who later
wrote the gospel bearing his name, obviously
redeemed himself from the reputation of "quit-
ter" which concerned Paul so much.
Do you have a reputation of giving up? Do you
quit when you should keep on? The great base-
ball slugger, affectionately known as Babe Ruth
said, "You just can't beat the person who never
gives up." While he was known for his home
runs, he also was known for his great many
strikeouts. Don't quit on your marriage. Don't
quit on your education. Don't quit on your re-
bellious teenager. Don't quit on your job. Be
sure that before you give up on anything that
is good, you know that God has shown you a
new direction.
Jesus gave us the Great Commission to go to the
whole world with his message. With that great
challenge, he gave this great promise, "I am with
you always to the end of
the age." The problems
will not be bigger than
the presence of Jesus
with us can bear.
Even if it is the temp-
tation to give up on
overcoming bad habits,
(Christians often call
these "hidden sins")
or the horrible pain of
conquering an addic-
tion, we have promises
that are reliable. "God
is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted
beyond what you can bear. But will with the
temptation make a way of escape so that you
may bear up under it."
1 Corinthians 10:13
It was Sir Winston Churchill who said to the
boys at that private school, "never give up, never
give up, never, never, never."
Happy "not quitting!"
n. S
, D. m
Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc. |
me Quit?
me Quit?