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june 2012
"Come on, honey, let's go for a walk on the
e had just finished eating break-
fast and Joe was ready to get going.
It was our first day in Myrtle Beach for
our January anniversary celebration and
I could not wait to get out there for the
prayer walks. The sights and the sounds
of the ocean beckoned us to hurry...the
The Anniversary At The Beach
By Gladys Grimaud
Continued on page 24
"Forever etched in the corner of my mind, I could visualize the handsome young
fighter pilot of years ago and marveled at his capacity for endurance and courage"
We walked along the beach holding
hands, eyes on the sand beneath our feet,
the waves lapping at our heels. Occasion-
ally another shark's tooth hunter passed by
oblivious to the fact that we were still in
love after 50 plus years of marriage. Each
morning, I started my prayer with thanks-
giving and praised God for letting me cel-
ebrate another year with Joe.
Forever etched in the corner of my mind, I
could visualize the handsome young fight-
er pilot of years ago and marveled at his
capacity for endurance and courage that
now spanned over the decades. The pas-
sion that he had felt for his unappreciative
country during the Viet Nam War was still
very much alive in this older, wiser version
of the fighter pilot of long ago...the fire
of patriotism still burning in his soul. The
pelicans sitting on the waves seemed to
understand our joy of being together to
enjoy the fruits of our labor and the op-
portunity to excel that America, the land
of the free, had provided to a once young
married couple.
The seagulls followed us and seemed to
approve our worship of the Creator while
wallowing of the white topped waves, the
pungent smell of the ocean air, the grace-
ful pelicans, some flying over and some sit-
ting on the waves...the busy hermit crabs
scurrying on the sand...the crystal clear
jellyfish stranded in desperation...unusual
shells and driftwood of all kinds. This all
combined to mesmerize beach strollers,
and Joe and I were not exempt from the
"Just a minute," I answered. "Let me find
my shoes."
We grabbed our sweaters and darted out
the door eager to search for shark's teeth
though we seldom find any during our stay
in Myrtle Beach.