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june 2012 37
As time moves on and we move towards
the heavenly realm of time, may we each
harness the power of the color white and
its symbolism to motivate us toward such
renewal and deeper relationship with our
Creator, Master, and Maker.
By: Debra C. Galloway,
co-author of the Book,
"Take Me Back to the Truth"
Available at
In the Scroll of Isaiah, the color white
is used metaphorically to represent the
cleansing of transgression. In fact, the
prophet is told, "If your sins are like scar-
let, they shall become as white as snow"
(Isaiah 1:18).
From a scientific perspective, when there is
no light, everything is black. Light appears
colorless or white. Sunlight is white light
that is composed of all the colors of the
color spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You
can't see the colors of sunlight except when
atmospheric conditions bend the light rays
and create a rainbow.
Strictly speaking, white is the manifestation
of the presence of all colors, the complete
energy of light. It stands for wholeness and
completion. It represents openness and
truth. The color white can provide clarity,
as it's energy is complete.
White has purification vibrations and can
be used to clear blocks from your path. It
holds the potential to move toward every
other color, which makes white energy
a path for new beginnings and develop-
ment. Put some "white" in your life when
you want:
to clear clutter and obstacles away,
to start a fresh beginning,
to bring about mental clarity,
purification of thoughts or actions.
The science of color teaches that a per-
son should wear white to impart a pure,
wholesome impression. It further teaches
that surrounding yourself with white al-
lows your mind to be refreshed. This
just shows me how smart my 5-foot tall
Grandmother is! I love Hattie Mae
Mickens so much. Who knew that her
wearing white meant so much.
The Color White
By Debra C. Galloway
Continued from pg 23