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june 2012
By Bonita Britt
Continued from pg 35
clearly, and that I may in that same way
come to know the power outflowing
from His resurrection [which it exerts
over believers]; and that I may so share
His sufferings as to be continually
transformed [in spirit into His likeness
even] to His death.
Philippians 3:10 AMP
Humility is not merely a Virtue; it's a
Discipline. Humility is a quality of one's
character. Humility is not something a
person merely has; it's what we're called
to do. Humility is not the result of hav-
ing low self-esteem. Humility is not a
result of having a poor self-image. True
Humility comes from a place of strength
and inner security.
Genuinely humble people who have a desire
to seek the well-being of others are generally
very secure people.
They are fully aware of their gifts, their
training, their experience, and all the attri-
butes that make them successful at what-
ever they do, which is all given by Yeshua
(our God). That security, that honesty, that
healthy self-assessment results in more
than a humble constitution, it translates
into actions that can be observed, actions
that we will want to emulate.
Paul has two segments in humility; a
command and a perspective to help oth-
ers obey. In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul com-
mands humility while describing how the
disciples should look at themselves in re-
lation to others.
Do nothing from selfishness or empty con-
ceit, but with humility of mind regard one
another as more important than yourselves;
do not merely look out for your own personal
interests, but also for the interest of others.
Philippians 2:3-4
Sit on the temptation to promote yourself.
Trust God to promote you when He deter-
mines that the time is appropriate. When
He calls you, then rely on His calling and
obey His Word.
In Philippians 2 we learn; "we need to
stand up for others." We can encourage
others to be humble by being sensitive to
them in the time of their needs. Look for
opportunities to meet the need of others,
especially those whom many would con-
sider the least of these.
The path to greatness in the Kingdom of
God will lead you through the valley self-
lessness. Having Christ like humility is the
discipline of putting others ahead of your-
self, the choice to value others above your-
self is, at its core, a matter of faith.